- 2000-2005: Degree in dentistry at the Julius-Maximilian University in Würzburg
- 2006-2007: Assistant dentist at the dental practice Dr Sylvia Näsström, Munich
- 2007-2010: Specialist training at the polyclinic for orthodontics at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich (director Prof. Dr Ingrid Rudzki;
from 08/2008 Prof. Dr Andrea Wichelhaus) - 2010-2013: Orthodontist employed at the orthodontic practice of Prof. Dr Rolf Koch, Bamberg and Ebermannstadt
- 2014: Parental leave
- 2015-2018: Orthodontist employed at the orthodontic practice of Dr Florian Gebhart, Munich
- since 2019: Orthodontist employed at the FÜNF HÖFE orthodontic practice
- since 2019: European Masters of Aligners (EUMMA)
Member of the following professional societies/associations:
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kieferorthopädie (DGKFO) [German Society of Orthodontics]
- Bund deutscher Kieferorthopäden (BDK) [Association of German orthodontists]
- Verein zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Zahnheilkunde in Bayern e.V. [Association for promotion of scientific dentistry in Bavaria]
- Incognito
- Win
- Invisalign