Orthodontics in children and adolescents
Tooth and jaw misalignment can be detected and successfully treated even in young children. Here, function is the first and foremost objective. As the jaw has not finished growing fully in children, we can intervene in the growth process using the right apparatus, promote or inhibit growth and consequently reduce functional problems that could appear later. This often means that later surgical intervention can be prevented.
Crossbites in milk teeth or adult teeth can be ground down or rectified by expanding the upper jaw in a transverse direction so that the jaw develops with normal symmetry. Forced bites can be detected and rectified at an early stage before they manifest in the skeletal architecture.
The right time – when?
One question that keeps coming up: When is the right time for orthodontic treatment?
Basically, you can say that it is advisable to see an orthodontist for the first time around the eighth or ninth birthday. In the event of significant jaw misalignment, which may have been an issue in other members of the family, i.e. hereditary misalignment, we recommend that the child presents earlier, when the first adult teeth emerge, possibly around the sixth birthday. This means that the growth of the jaw can be managed in time and significant skeletal disharmony or discrepancies cannot develop to such an extent.
Habits, such as sucking your thumb, biting your lip, pressing the lips together or biting your nails require timely and early intervention by an orthodontist before they manifest in the skeletal architecture. This means that the duration of any later orthodontic treatment can be significantly reduced.
The first orthodontic examination
At the first examination we get an exact overview of the teeth, occlusion (bite), muscles and jaw joints. This means we can see in time if the emerging teeth could cause problems or if movement in the posterior region (secondary crowding) is going to mean that there is not enough space. The regulation of the upper and lower jaw working together shows the best possible time for orthodontic treatment.
Once we have presented our first assessment, we will discuss the treatment with you in detail: the duration and nature of the treatment, possible alternatives and the treatment apparatus suited to this. Alongside removable braces and retainers, fixed braces can be bonded to the outside or inside of the teeth (Incognito)- or transparent braces (Invisalign) can be considered. We will explain the advantages and disadvantages of the apparatus and will work with you to find the most suitable option for you.
- Removable braces,
- Invisalign (transparent, plastic aligners),
- Fixed braces,
- Lingual braces (“invisible” braces: Brackets and wires are fixed to the inside of the teeth).
We take time to get to know you and your child!